Brand & Marketing

Are You Misunderstanding Omnichannel vs. Multichannel Strategies?

Let’s look at the definition Multichannel Business A multichannel business refers to a company that uses multiple channels to reach its customers. These channels could include brick-and-mortar stores, online marketplaces, social media, mobile applications, and email campaigns. However, each of these channels typically operates independently and may not be fully integrated, which can create a […]

Google Analytics

GA3 vs GA4 Comparison

Google Analytics 3 (GA3) was launched on October 18, 2007 and it’s going away on 1st July, 2023. This version of Google Analytics was replaced by Google Analytics 4 (GA4), which was launched on October 14, 2020. GA4 is the latest version of Google Analytics and offers new features and capabilities compared to GA3, such […]


How to Retain Your SEO Performance When Changing the Website Domain?

Why bother if it’s so risky? Why take the risk of losing the SEO ranking that you have worked hard for many years? In many cases, a domain change is a strategic move rather than a performance tune, and there are various reasons why a company may choose to change its website domain. Some of […]


How to Use AWS CloudWatch to Analyse Crawl Budget and Crawl Rate

Understanding Crawl Budget The terminology refers to how much attention you get from search engine crawling and indexing is called “crawl budget” or “crawl rate.” Crawl budget refers to the amount of time and resources that search engines allocate to crawl and index a website. It is determined by various factors, including the website’s size, […]

eCommerce Magento Developing

How to Export Product Reviews from Magento 2 Database

Prerequisites Magento 2 EE, MySQL 8 and PHPMyAdmin, Docker (doing this in a production Environment is not recommended) Install PHPMyAdmin in Docker It can be tricky to install PHPMyAdmin in Docker vs a traditional LAMP stack as you need a basic understanding of Docker Network. See commands and comments below: Up to this point, you […]


Choosing ccTLD is a No-brainer

How many times businesses planning to go global ended up only doing businesses in their domestic markets? When it comes to domains, we often got it wrong and what’s even worse is people failed to recognise the downside of using the wrong domain type, such as using .com instead of in the Australian market. […]


How to Avoid the Risk of Loosing SEO Ranking When Rebuilding Your Website

There are many reasons why businesses may decide to rebuild their websites. Some of the most common ones are: Outdated design: An outdated website design can make your business look unprofessional and may not be optimised for modern devices and screen sizes. Rebuilding your website can help to give it a fresh, modern look and […]

SEO Web Developing

Hardening LAMP Stack

Prerequisites Ubuntu 22.04, Apache 2.4, MySQL 8 and PHP8 on a GCP VM. Ubuntu 22.04 Enabling Ubuntu auto update Change Default SSH Port You can change the default SSH port from 22 to something else in sshd_config then restart your sshd service – make sure keep your current SSH connection open until your new port […]

Brand & Marketing

Should I Go Budget Friendly as a Premium Brand

Mercedes A Class, iPhone SE and Starbucks VIA all have something in common – reputable brands offering more affordable product lines to attract budget conscious customers. It seems big brands are paying more attention to the “lower end” market than ever before. Is there a catch? Can all premium brands achieve success by launching a […]