Magento Developing

How to Update Magento 2.3 Website URL in MySQL

This article covers:

  1. Update Magento 2.3 Base URL in MySQL
  2. A culprit of flushing Magento 2 cache in command line

Audiences of this article:

  • Magento 2.3 developers

Find the rows of base_url in core_config_data Table

Both secure and unsecure base_url are located in table core_config_data. If you’re not familiar with core_config_data structure, use MySQL LIKE operator to find the rows contain keyword ‘secure’:

select * from core_config_data where path like '%secure%';

This gives you the column names and config_id of both web/unsecure/base_url and web/secure/base_url. See results below:

 | config_id | scope   | scope_id | path                              | value                  |
 |         2 | default |        0 | web/unsecure/base_url             | |
 |       238 | default |        0 | payment/braintree/verify_3dsecure | 0                      |
 |       621 | default |        0 | web/unsecure/base_static_url      | NULL                   |
 |       622 | default |        0 | web/unsecure/base_media_url       | NULL                   |
 |       623 | default |        0 | web/secure/base_url               | |
 |       624 | default |        0 | web/secure/base_static_url        | NULL                   |
 |       625 | default |        0 | web/secure/base_media_url         | NULL                   |
 7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Update Both base_url Values

Notice the two config_id in my case is ‘2’ and ‘623’, yours maybe different! We can then use MySQL UPDATE statement to complete this:

update core_config_data set value = '' where config_id = '2';
update core_config_data set value = '' where config_id = '623';

Once done, you can use above like operator to check if there URLs have been updated successfully

select * from core_config_data where path like '%secure%';

Then flush Magento cache, you should be good to go. Remember it’s always a good idea to perform a database backup before using MySQL statements to alter Magento database.

bin/magento cache:flush
## Always a good idea to check cache status after flushing your cache in command line!
bin/magento cache:status

The Culprit of Flushing Magento 2 Cache in Command Line

We noticed that sometimes, when flushing Magento cache, it also disables all Magento cache. If you’re in developer mode, without knowing this culprit is likely to be disastrous as disabled cache in Magento 2 developer mode will cause CPU high load. Leaving you scratching your head trying to figure it out. Therefore, it’s always a good habit to check cache status after flushing them.

By Ethan

To many, a business is a lifetime commitment. It's easy to start one yet difficult to make it successful. Attitude, skills, experiences and dedication help hone the craft along the way, but it's often the great vision and resilience to remain focused wins the game. Read more about me here