Server Administration

How to Add New SSH User in Google Cloud VM Instance

This article covers: How to add new SSH user to your Google Cloud VPS This article is suitable for: Google Cloud VM Instance OS: Ubuntu 18.04 SSH clients: Putty, Pageant Step 1 – Generate Public/Private Key Pair Step 2 – Add Public Key Download your public and private pair to your PC. Open public key, […]


SEO Audit Checklist for Information Website 2019

This article covers: How to perform SEO audits for information websites? Introduce some of the commonly used technical SEO audit techniques This article’s target audiences: Business owners who want to improve their website’s search ranking This article’s scope: Information websites Google Search Engine We all agree that top ranking is a good thing because it […]

Magento Developing

How to Mass Delete Magento Products by Attribute Set

This article covers: How to delete a large number of products in Magento 1.9 How to delete Magento products by attribute set The server environment: Apache 2.4, PHP 7.1 Magento These days most Magento stores would have some sort of integration with third-party inventory solutions, and sometimes unwanted products get accidentally pushed from inventory […]