Magento Developing

How to Resolve Magento 2’s Blurry Product Images?

This article covers: How to change default product image sizes in Magento 2 product image cache How to resolve Magento 2’s aggressive image compression The server environment: Apache 2.4, Ubuntu 18.04 Magento 2.2.6 upgraded to 2.3.0 Used imagemagick instead of GD2 After realising Magento 2 has such an aggressive image compression method, I’ve spent quite […]

Server Administration

How to Generate CSR and Install SSL in Apache 2.4

This article covers: How to generate CSR (certificate signing request), which is required before when you purchase an SSL. How to install SSL in a shared hosting environment How to redirect http to https The server environment: Apache 2.4, Ubuntu 18.04 Certificate purchased from RapidSSL Online and issued by GeoTrust. Website platform can be either […]